18 mayo, 2023
18 mayo, 2023
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. Salón T-301 Ver mapa
What is Intermediality?
Martin T Dinter, King’s College London, UK, Dr Martin Dinter (
As a literary framework, intermediality originates from the writings of Julia Kristeva, who adapted intertextual theory by reinterpreting texts as ‘complex signs’, which resonate not only with other texts, but also with works in different media. This conceptualisation was later refined by Irina Rajewsky, who understands literature to be intermedial when it ‘thematises, evokes and imitates other media…while still retaining its textual character’.
On the most basic level, intermediality thus refers to all phenomena that cross the borders between media and are accordingly—as the prefix inter indicates—located in some way or other between media. These phenomena include the combination of media, the transformation of media, and intermedial connections. My talk will explore the possible uses of this theoretical approach in the humanities.
Una iniciativa de y para estudiantes de los posgrados de la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de los Andes para la socialización de sus procesos de investigación y creación. Apoya la Escuela de Posgrados de Artes y Humanidades