Quarantunes: Student music competition
Create music with your friends which expresses your hopes for the world you want to live in, the world you will make.
The world is turning upside down. As students, you face many uncertainties about your university courses and futures.
Now is the time to make music together.
Here is a chance for the students of the Asia-Pacific region to inspire each other and our communities by making music. Help fellow students see beyond current difficulties, come together in mutual support, and strengthen the determination and hope for the future.
1st Prize US$5,000
2nd Prize US$3,000
3rd Prize US$2,000
Winning entries will be chosen by online voting.
Students must be currently enrolled at an APRU member university.
Entries must include at least two students (whether as composer, instrumentalist, soloist, sound technician, video effects artist, etc.)
Maximum three-minute recordings
Complete the registration form and submit your work here. By submitting your entry, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the competition.
If you cannot access the submission page, submissions can be sent to APRUplus@apru.org. Please include all names of the team members, university, university major, the title of the submission, and a brief explanation of how it addresses the prompt.
Submission deadline extended to: Sunday, June 28, 2020 11:59 (GMT+8)
Online voting: Monday, June 29 to Sunday, July 5, 2020.
Winners will be announced during the week of July 5th.
Enquiries: apruplus@apru.org
Como estudiante de la Universidad de los Andes usted puede participar a esta convocatoria después de la entrada de la universidad a la red internacional APRU (Asia Pacific Rim Universities, https://apru.org/).
Esta convocatoria no es organizada por la Facultad de Artes y Humanidades de la Universidad de los Andes y se publica en el sitio web para su difusión. Para mayor información contacte a los encargados de la convocatoria.