Introduction to Japanese Art

17 de junio al 5 de julio de 2019. Profesor: Yukio Lippit PhD. Se dictará en inglés.

17 junio, 2019


2019 , Escuela de Verano

This course surveys the arts of Japan from the prehistoric era to the twentieth century. The primary focus is on Japanese painting, sculpture, and architecture of the premodern period, although traditions of calligraphy, garden design, ceramics, lacquerware, textiles, and prints are also explored. Aesthetic ideas, religious traditions, craft processes, and viewing practices are studied alongside more focused themes such as the role of print culture, Sino-Japanese exchange, and the role of art in the transition to modernity. Emphasis is placed on the development of analytical skills for the interpretation of visual images as well as the comparative understanding of Japanese artistic practices vis-a-vis other cultural traditions.

Yukio Lippit es professor de historia del arte y la arquitectura en la Universidad de Harvard y se especializa en pintura japonesa. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran: Painting of the Realm: The Kano House of Painters in Seventeenth-Century Japan (2012) que recibió el Charles Rufus Morey Book Award y el John Whitney Hall Book Prize. “Of Modes and Manners in Medieval Japanese Ink Painting: Sesshū’s Splashed Ink Landscape of 1495”, The Artist in Edo, Irresolution: The Paintings of Yoshiaki Shimizu, Japanese Zen Buddhism and the Impossible Painting, Sōtatsu: Making Waves (with James Ulak), The Thinking Hand: Tools and Traditions of the Japanese Carpenter (with Mark Mulligan), Kenzo Tange: Architecture for the World (with Seng Kuan), Colorful Realm: Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Itō Jakuchū (1716-1800), y Awakenings: Zen Figure Painting in Medieval Japan (with Gregory Levine).

Créditos: 4

Precio para posgrado y Educación Continuada: $ 3,000.000

Precio para pregrado: $2.790.000

Los estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado de la Universidad de los Andes que
tomen este curso deben inscribirlo, a través de Banner,
únicamente los días 27 y 28 de mayo de 2019.